Church Announcements (Page 36)

Church Announcements (Page 36)

Announcements–Week of 1/12/20

The Annual Family and Friends Day Worship will be held on February 9th at 11:00 A.M.  This is a good day to invite others to join you for worship!  The Golden Moment -2020 Fundraiser has begun. Members are being asked to donate one of the following: $3.00 each Sunday/$12.00 each month/ $144.00 for the year…Or more if you desire Giving…

Divine Power

Heavenly Father, we are so honored and privileged to be sons and daughters adopted into your royal family by Christ Jesus. According to your divine power and precious promises, we have everything we need to live a prosperous and godly life. Lord, increase our desire to become more knowledgeable of you and to be consistent partakers of your divine nature. Get glory out of…

Announcements–Week of 1/5/2020

If you would like to attend the Sweetheart Engagement Dinner on February 22nd, today is the final day to register and pay the registration fee of $45.  This fee includes an evening of romance, engagement topics, dinner, parting gifts, and fun.  For all who have already registered, and for new sign-ups, please be sure to include all the requested information on…

A New Day!

Holy, Righteous and Sovereign God, we thank you for blessing us to see a New Decade, a New Year and a New Day.  Lord, this is the day that you have made; we will rejoice and be glad in it! What a privilege it is to lift up our hands in the sanctuary and give your name praise, glory and honor.  Every day you deserve holy worship, righteous living and praise from…

Prayer of Deliverance

Jesus, you came that we might have life and that we might have life more abundantly.  Many of our young people’s lives are being destroyed by the enemy. Father, we’re interceding today on behalf of young people all over the world.  In the name of Jesus, we rebuke the epidemic of gang waring, violence, crime, murder, rebellion, hatred, civil unrest, disobedience,…

Faithful God

Great is thy faithfulness, O God our Father. There is no shadow of turning with thee. Our life depends upon your faithfulness every day. You are the very air we breathe and you’re the water that gives us everlasting life. Father we thank you for being our help and peace when trouble arises. Your grace is sufficient no matter what circumstances surround us. Thank you for…

Jesus Our Friend

What a Friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. And what a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer. Our Heavenly Father, we lift up praise, glory and honor to your holy name today. Because of your love and shed blood on Calvary, we are now privileged sons and daughters, adopted into your royal family. Thank you for calling us friends, as we…

Lord of Glory

Precious Lord of Glory, Prince of Peace and soon coming King, we lift up praises unto your holy name. All power rests with you in Heaven and on Earth. Thank you for this opportunity today to worship you in Spirit and in Truth. We therefore submit and humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God our Father, understanding there is nothing hidden from you. We are the…

Over the Edge Blessings

Our Heavenly Father, Creator, Ruler and Sustainer of Life, we acknowledge your holy presence among us today. There is none like you. Thank you for loving us with an unconditional love. We have come this far by faith, leaning and depending upon your holy word. Lord, you alone know everything about us. You know our downsitting and uprising and all that we have need of. Keep…

Fully Connected to God

Heavenly Father, you are our source of life; the very air that we breathe. It is in you that we live, move and have our being. Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life and made it possible for us to connect with you. Lord, draw us closer to you and give us a continual hunger and thirst after righteousness. Help us to know the love of Christ, which…