Jesus Our Friend

Jesus Our Friend

What a Friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. And what a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer. Our Heavenly Father, we lift up praise, glory and honor to your holy name today. Because of your love and shed blood on Calvary, we are now privileged sons and daughters, adopted into your royal family. Thank you for calling us friends, as we continue to obey your Word. We are so very blessed that we can talk to you anytime and anywhere, knowing that you will hear and answer our prayers. Jesus, you are a friend who will never leave or forsake us; a friend who is closer than a brother. We praise you for being our intimate friend. Father, as we let our lights shine, please empower us to go forth demonstrating the love and friendship of Jesus. We ask these blessings in the name of Jesus. Amen.